This portrait sold-I sold my son's head put in a box and handed it to an attractive young woman.
OK So now I must quit and admit I can't do it all. There are still more special orders to do but I cannot do any more. I have to pack and admit it. The kiln is firing tonight. A few more plates and mugs go in tomorrow as soon as the bisque is unloaded.
I would still be working and probably till 3 am, heaven forbid, if that angel Kristine had not came and helped me. She knows what to do. I don't have to say anything and she helps me keep it simple. She is a twin and I wish she was my twin. She doesn't ask anything from me and says she just likes "being there" and that it is calming for her. Where did she come from? Is she real? And she can professionally massage my aching arm as well! Where did she come from? Thank you Kristine, the goddess of Body of our shop.
Oh yeah, and that wonderful powerful hot tub with super jets! Thank you Jerry! I absolutely need it and love it. The warm blue water, the cold air, the night sky! I read the paper for about 3 years straight looking for one I could afford and poof-Jerry asked me if I wanted one.
Thank you Jamie. This would just be another day but because she invited me into her Hawaiian world I have an incredible art adventure to look forward to.
Thank you Ian and happy 25th birthday today for minding the store while I'm gone. You are so responsible and an incredible artist.
Thank you husband for understanding that I don't stay in a pumpkin shell very well and encouraging me to go.
Thank you Rachel for not being a needy daughter and being so mature and trustworthy.
The Quiltarian said we need to that 10 people. Good idea. But only 4 more? My life is full of people who help me on a regular basis.
Randy-Thanks for helping me fix anything that breaks with fine company as well. It is such a comfort to know you are there and might be able to explain how thing work.
Steve-My mind is at rest knowing because of your generous offer, I don't need to panic if I need a temporary place to work and store some stuff. So, that makes this trip more peaceful.
Laurie for accounting, taxes and sales tax. What would I do without you?
I cannot choose just one more. The handpainted Sarong from Dana? Maura's favorite Sarong she gave me? The clothes from Susan that still had the tags? All I had to do was promise to have fun wearing them?
If this was an awards dinner they would be playing the music for me to get off stage.
Thanks everyone for the help in so many ways.
The stars totally lined up to fill your life with soulmates who adore you. So travel safe dear friend, Dance in the gorgeous sunshine... Walk the beaches at night placing your needs upon all the stars... Fill your soul with peace and tranquility... Every moment we're given is such a gift to remember...