Just kidding. But life is rich.
We had a great firing at Sherri's and people really liked their raku pottery. It is always fun to see people discover the fun of and instant success of raku firing. They are so involved in the whole process.
Next, I drove home, grabbed a small glass of red wine and hopped in the shower to get the stinky smoke out of my clothes and hair. The little nettie pot gets some of the smoke out of your sinuses. Try it if you raku and want the junk out of your system unless you have ear problems.
I only fired two of my own little pots but offered the students several I had made to fire. They enjoyed firing them and it was fun to see how they glazed the pots. I will do another firing in my backyard to finish my own work. Or, maybe I will go out to Sherri's in Stonebluff and she and I will do our own little firing. Propane is out of sight now$$$$.
I came home caught my breath, bathed and John and I took off for an Oklahoma Humanities Council gathering for the author Sara Paretsky. The author, Sara Paretsky was very interesting. She is the author of the V I Warshawski novels and she talked about finding her way with her writing as a woman in a man's world. She lived in New York and Chicago and had a lot of stories about both.
I sat next to an interesting man and I guessed his profession and then had him try and guess mine. He guessed a motivational speaker! That is a new one. Motivational speaker? I nearly spit out my chicken in laughter thinking about that one. Did I miss my calling? John Burnet suggested I had missed my calling and maybe I should have been a reporter. I could have spit out my Black and White beer with that one.
Have I missed my calling? Someone important also told me I would have made a good lawyer. I disagree with the last idea because I don't like conflict and fighting unless absolutely necessary. I do like finding many solutions for one problem, or looking at things in different ways. Chances are I would work for a free law clinic anyway and wish I had gone into the arts.
We went to another fund raiser for Rice at a lovely home this weekend. It was a very lovely home. The couple was so young and their house was not only lovely but comfortable as well. The cosmopolitan drinks were good too. I had never had one. The company was fine and I do hope he beats Inholfe. That will be difficult to say the least.
OK, I am just a left handed lefty liberal and I live in a very conservative part of the country.
May the best man win.
One of the perks of being an artist is that you can jump over social boundaries on a regular basis. It is great to just take people for who they are without too many preconceived notions. I have talked to the guys outside the courthouses whittling in Tennessee and hobnobbed with the elite as well. Maybe you don't have to be an artist to do that. Maybe you just need to look and listen and respect others for who they are.
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