Sunday, April 24, 2011

Putting your eggs in one Basket

What kind of potter or artist do you want to be?  Can you force your style?  Do you want to learn just one thing or lots and everything?
Do you want to make functional ware or make a very pure form of art?
Can you tell what kind of potter you are? Is it important to be only one kind of potter/sculpture?

Generally, I have found the more I learn about different techniques and ways to fire etc., the better.  When you open up to new ideas and maybe a different way to build or fire you begin to have more choices.  Sometimes I wish I did not know so many ways to do things.  It would be easier and with tunnel vision you can make more progress faster and possibly become an expert in some area.  Ceramics is full of so many directions as are most of the arts that it is hard to know which way to turn.  Experimenting even when the experiment does not work is a learning process and adds so much to your knowledge.
Put your eggs in one basket and you limit yourself.  Sometimes it is just more difficult to carry a lot of baskets.  Remember you can always set a few baskets down after a while and get more specialized in your knowledge. Knowledge, learning and listening.

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