Then, a year later, I opened my shop and they came. I have continued to meet more and more interesting people from all walks of life. People who may have had a desire to make art and then some unnknowing elementary teacher said, "Hey! Ducks aren't blue!" and zap. The ego was squashed and had to be found again. Lots of times there is still a spark of desire to try it again, long after that teacher has hit the dust. And that is where I come in. I try and restore the love of art and creativity and help people find their way.
I don't know how many people I have taught over the years but the answer is a whole lot more than I even realize. Thirty or so years, maybe 20 people 4 times a year or so including scout groups and church groups etc. Hmm. A lot is the answer. And many have become lifetime friends and so many have helped me in so many ways as well. I have been given everything from massages to a big bag of socks when I said I needed some socks. Be careful what you ask for!
My students contiue to fascinate me with what they produce and what great friends most become.
I am a lucky person!
wait! ducks are not blue?