OK. Reality struck and I realize the pounds, holding hands, one by one, have reappeared. OK. I have almost reached that maximum set point again. Rats.
I looked in the full length mirror in Phoenix (there is not one available at home) and oops. There it is again. So much more to love.
All my friends are either on or have done weight watchers. Here we go again. This is about the 5th time. Yes, I know it is one of the healthiest ways to lose. But I don't go down easily, in attitude or pounds. Reality check.
In my fantasies I see being fork lifted out of the hospital bed. Or having a bulldozer plow into the side of the hospital so they can get me in there in the first place.
It was great to be in Costa Rica where it did not seem to matter. We cooked, we ate and nothing seemed to cling to the stomach though I feared it would.
Damn. I love to cook and I savor wonderful flavors. Why else would a pottery blog be half about great food.
No one knows more about diets than heavy people.
I looked in my grocery cart and was thoroughly disgusted. Weight Watcher meals to grab for lunch. Weight Watcher junk food to fill that sweet tooth, egg beaters for low fat protein, Blag. Then there was good stuff too. Carrots, cabbage, peppers, onions, beans. I joined in a panic and therefore had to get some processed stuff because there was no time to cook real food.
I went to the meeting and they made us "storyboard" an exercise goal. I did it like a kid stuck after school in study hall. I wrote the goals and ways to get there. A simple walk 30 minutes 4/5 times a week. No time this week. Too many other goals. It just makes me feel worse about not being able to do it.
Mind, spirit, body. Spirit, mind, body. But never body, mind, spirit. What is wrong with this picture?
I am strong but a little more achy than I used to be. My body has always done what I want it to and by nature is very strong. I don't drink soft drinks, eat much red meat, eat junk foods or have any obvious bad habits except... a love for cooking and a love for good food. I know portion control is an issue. I would eat as much cake as I could stuff in my mouth and wash it down with champagne if I did not know better. There are enough churches in Tulsa to crash a wedding party everyday if you are on a budget.
My latest diet idea. Eat good food but not so much, did not work.
Exercise is an eternal problem although I love to do it. I walked across Tennessee and biked across Oklahoma. I lift a shit load of stuff everyday and I stay active. I bike to work but need to move farther away. Hmmm.
So here is the latest plan. Do weight watchers and complain all I want. This is the last true confession of this type on this blog. I promise to not bore readers with my eternal whining about weight after this. I just hope this helps someone else who feels the same way I do.
1. Don't let people I don't relate to keep me from losing weight. It is just an excuse. Remember that ever so accurate scale is waiting every Monday.
2. Eat as many veggies as I can stand. Don't give up when a slide backwards.

3. Try again to exercise more because I love it.
4. Remember! I don't want diabetes. Weight matters.
5. I don't want to ever have to ask for a seat belt extension on an airplane.
6. I don't want to weigh more than everyone else in the room and more than all my male friends as well.
7. I want to remember my little ankles are doing overtime.
8. I want control over my life to be healthy.
9. Stick with this change as long as possible and don't give up.
10. Remember weight loss is just a part of life, is important and isn't the key to eternal happiness. I am already happy, just pissed about weight and diet change.
So the challenge is to find the most lovely, delicious and healthy foods and post them on this blog and serve them in beautiful pottery bowls and platters etc. I think I can. I think I can.

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