It is sad. It is depressing. The notice came in the electric bill. Hooray! !t is free get rid of your crap day at the land fill. Show your license and get rid of stuff for free.
We loaded up our car with yard junk, left behind by a son with his own apartment and not apt to remove any junk until we kick the bucket. Bike wheels, meant to be used to build a bike or sculpture, the remains of an easy-up tent that quickly collapsed in the rain were loaded in our car and hauled with smiles on our faces to the land fill.
Well, it was muddy and overcast. Bulldozers were running the hills like hornets pushing crap under the earth. We did not even want to get out of our car but we had come this far so we made ourselves unload our metal that I felt guilty for not recycling.
We had the only car. Most people approached the edge of the landfill with trucks loaded down with old overstuffed chairs, couches, lamps, toys, old used rubber tubs and even a computer! Computer dumping and who knows what else was pushed underground in a less than desirable way. Pollutants! And, it is hard to tell what else should not have been left for the bulldozers. It made me sad.
Tree-hugger me, I think everything that can be, should be recycled. And even I made a desperate attempt to clean my yard into the dump with metal that should have been reclaimed. I just wanted to clean my yard fast. And really, it still does not look very good. There is more stuff.
In Hawaii, I loved to go to the dump. There was a container for common trash called "rubbish", and a few for things to be recycled. And even more fun, the little make-shift shack where people gave things to be resold that someone else might want. How fun. I still have a little orange danish style pan I use all the time from that treasure chest. It just showed so much respect for the land. I suppose if you have less land and it is prime real estate, that makes a consciousness happen. It is mostly about money and land.
So here we are on the prairie, so to speak, and look what happens. I must add that only the weekend before we took hazardous stuff to the Hazmat sight at the fairgrounds also sponsored by the Met.
Traditionally, when a Native American took clay from the earth to make pottery, they would bury a piece of cornbread to say thank you to mother earth. It is going to take one hell of a big piece of cornbread to make up for this deal.
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