Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Finest Folk Artist I Have Ever Taught

Steph's latest pottery face influenced by a drawing by Picasso

Steph holds her pot just after it comes out of the kiln.

Steph has been enjoying making vessels with faces on them based on her drawings.

Friends talking and exchanging ideas.

Steph and Don enjoy seeing another pot come out of the kiln.

Steph's Indian Face

Steph and Don came to see me one afternoon to talk about taking classes. They had found me on the Internet and Steph wanted to learn how to make things with clay. It is a pleasure to teach her. She is in my opinion as good as any fold artist I saw in the Baltimore Folk Art Museum. Her work belongs there.
I have taught her several techniques and she continues to grow and learn and is not intimidated by any form or idea. She just gets in there and does it. She keeps a great journal of drawings and ideas and I want to help her find her way to form these ideas. She is very original and loves really bright colors. I have also called in my son, Ian, to help her on class night. She immediately was drawn to his work and they get excited talking about ideas, colors and inspiration.
It is a pleasure to teach such a natural folk artist and to see the joy in her eyes when her work comes out of the kiln.

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