Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Watching People Learn

I have the most interesting students. It is really fun to watch people discover their creativity. Somehow, really nice and kind students gravitate to Brookside Pottery. I always appreciate my students. And, the joy of seeing others discover what they can really make and the joy of creativity.
Many times the creative ego has been nearly tossed out and then they think"it might be fun to take a class." Yep, there it is again. It reappears that feeling maybe you had as early as kindergarten. Look what I made Mom! It is one of those beautiful things to see in life and it is just as fun at 50 or so.

I taught a 3 year old last week. Her mother called me with one of the "I have a very gifted child." conversations. Ok, I broke down and gave her a private lesson. She was delightful ans we both had fun. She had a good balance of her own ideas and was still able to take direction. She made a "girl" and insisted on putting a large brain on her forehead. She had been arguing with her Mom about where the brain is located and insisted it is large and just over the eyebrows. She of course helped reinforce this idea by putting it there on her "girl." I took her sweet little hand at the end of our lesson and went to the restroom to wash off the clay and she looked up and said, "I love you." "I love you too." I told her.
So, sometimes taking a minute out of a very busy schedule can be a moment of peace, quality life, a special treat for us both.
Reality struck again when her mother who drove her 45 minutes from out of town for class said, "She loves this. She could spend all day here. I will have to bring her back and maybe we could.,.." It was fun but obviously I could not do this that long in a busy pottery shop but it was a joy for the time we had.

Remember the quote, "Too much of a good thing is wonderful." May West.
Too much art feels great.

And there are the perks of teaching, the surprise gifts from earrings to chocolate. I was so tired teaching last night and another generous student pulls out two delicious candy bars and says here, just for you, chocolate. Sweet! And even better I look over and she has created a beautiful birdbath.

My students are often so generous. Gifts have included everything from clothes for Hawaii, a hand painted sarong, big wooden shelves to store clay and many more bookshelves as well, a $125 dollar bottle of champagne complete with wine rack. I could list so many more items as well.

One time in class I mentioned I needed new socks and the next class period a student brought me an entire grocery sack full of socks. Be careful what you ask for!

Creating and helping teach others to create, making new friends, chocolate, earrings, handmade soap and a small glass of wine. What could be better?

Yes, that is why the pottery is more than just a working pottery studio. It is a way of life.

When I talked to my wonderful acupunturist about my hesitation in creating the new art center and how I would not want to work 60 hours a week to make it happen he reminded me,
"The art center is already there, in you and where you are." Now there is a thought.

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