Sunday, February 10, 2008

Beatrice Wood

This fantastic potter lived to be 105 and sets a great example for those of us who want a life with quality. I have her philosophy posted in my shop.

Honesty Compassion Creativity

And why did she live so long?
"Chocolate, younger men and she didn't give a shit"

If you agree or are more curious, visit this web site, by clicking here.
I have watched the video and it was very revealing about her and her work.

I saw this pot from a distance in the Nelson Atkins and even though my family was rushing me toward one of my favorite sculptor's, Ishmael Nagouchi, I was magnatized by this pot and discovered it was hers.
I was amazed how it looked so much like Raku. In the video we see her feeding sticks into her electric kiln. Evidently, she mixed glazes like we cook, by the spoonful and got great results. I have not yet discovered a very good source for her glaze info.

Quality of life. Hmm. Creativity, compassion, art, chocolate. Sounds great to me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing with us. She's awesome! I wish I could dress like her! But it just doesn't seem practical. Her work is lovely, her glazes seem to sparkle.
